Visa falls short of its advertising promise when a new, desirable location is discovered

When Cassandra Hollander reached into her purse and pulled out her Visa card to pay for her time at a beautiful resort in remote Jackakookoo Island, she was in for a surprise. “The concierge looked at me and said, ‘I’m sorry. We don’t accept Visa here.’ I was shocked and appalled,” Hollander recounts. “My gut reaction was that it must not be somewhere I wanted to be. They said they’d be everywhere I wanted to be. I would never have thought Visa could lie to me.”

In order to pay for her stay at Jackakookoo Island, Hollander was forced to write a check. “It was embarrassing and took much longer than simply swiping the card like I usually do. A man even had to line up behind me for a few seconds before someone helped him at the front desk. I just felt awful about making him wait. Not to mention the cost of the ink it took to write the check. I get sick just thinking about it.”

Visa representatives declined to personally comment on the incident, issuing a simple press release stating, “We feel we have done no wrong here. Jackakookoo Island sounds made up. Whoever made that up could at least do more than simply slam their hands against a keyboard and claim whatever jibberish that came out was a real location.”

“We’ll just see how the people of Jackakookoo Island feel about that,” says Hollander. “All I want is for them to add ‘almost’ in front of ‘everywhere’. Is that so much to ask?”

Hollander continues to use her Visa card daily, but admits-much like her husband after his third affair-her trust in it is waining.

One response to “Visa falls short of its advertising promise when a new, desirable location is discovered

  1. can’t believe people still deal in checks. I thought it was only the old couple in front of me at the grocery store

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